Friday, September 14, 2012

Specialists Help Seniors Buy or Sell a Home

Seniors who are buying or selling a house often have very different issues than younger buyers and sellers. Seniors may be contemplating downsizing or moving to a more accessible home, or they may be looking for a way to age in place. A Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES) can help senior sellers, buyers, or renters navigate these issues.

SRESs are realtors who have completed a series of courses on how to help seniors and their families with real estate transactions. They specialize in helping people age 50 and older, and they can be used for selling, buying, or renting. An SRES can help seniors look at all the options available, from staying in their home to buying a new home to moving to an assisted living facility.

The first thing to consider is whether you need to sell or whether there might be alternatives that would allow you to remain in the home. If a sale is necessary, then an SRES can help guide you through the process.

Seniors who are selling their homes may need help de-cluttering and staging their houses for sale. SRESs also are familiar with the senior housing options in an area and can help you buy a home. For example, if you are purchasing a home later in life, you may want to make sure you have a property that has a good market value and can be easily sold by your heirs.

Other things to keep in mind when buying a home are transportation access, too many stairs, and a friendly neighborhood.

For more information about SRESs or to find one near you, click here.

Reprinted with the permission of ElderLawAnswers.

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